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现在我们对颗粒物有你完全偏执让我们仔细看看它来自哪里,我们如何减少风险敞口。PM2.5是我们周围完全消除这基本上是不可能的。主要户外生产商项使用燃烧(燃烧燃料)像汽车,卡车,建筑设备和火灾。不幸的是也有室内的物品也产生PM2.5。罪魁祸首是烹饪、壁炉、吸烟以及二手烟和燃烧的蜡烛。这就是为什么肺癌直接与吸烟有关所有生成的颗粒物在吸烟会直接进入肺部。在单粒子太小,我们能够识别浓度以及生产情况。室外空气时朦胧和可见性下降可能是因为PM2.5的增加。将更多地看到这一城市设置在交通拥挤的时候,特别是如果没有任何风稀颗粒的累积。在农村设置大量花粉会造成类似的情况。 Increases in wildfires are also a heavy contributor. Fires are especially concerning as wind can blow the smoke hundreds of miles away from the source, affecting a much larger area. Inside it is a little harder to identify. If your kitchen is filled with smoke from burning dinner – yes that is all particulate matter and is fairly easy to identify. The challenge is that during normal cooking you might not be able to identify how much PM2.5 you are producing.

足够好,所有坏的东西。我们如何应对颗粒物?当我们提到PM2.5是在我们周围我们需要寻求新的方式,以减少它尽我们所能。我们一直在讨论这篇文章——室外和室内两类。户外有点难以控制,我们需要更多的知识的方法。大多数州的资源通知细粒含量的居民在给定的一天。检查前外会有帮助。如果你是在一个高水平的区域,避免运动或任何能增加你的进气口。也许推迟上调,直到水平下降。在城市环境中,寻求户外活动安排在小流量天或次。 For instance if you like to run in the city, do it during lower traffic times where you won’t be breathing in as much of the contaminates coming from car exhaust. Same would hold true if you are in an areas that has stagnant air in the morning but then gets afternoon breezes that will carry away or at least dilute a lot of the contaminates.

在室内,你有更多的控制。简单的事情要做的就是阻止PM2.5产生。不幸的是,很多说起来容易做起来难。我们仍然需要做饭和使用烘干机。消除内吸烟(没有帮助吸烟者但有利于其他人),停止燃烧蜡烛,烹调少油炸食品都是好东西。剩下的粒子的关键是消除或削弱他们。最简单的方法是排出来的房子。家是最大的贡献者PM2.5炉灶面。运转正常,大小的抽油烟机,尾气外是你最好的防御。一些吸油烟188bet金宝搏手机网页机再流通空气回厨房,没有有效地去除粒子。 Over the counter microwaves, while convenient, do not do a great job of removing particles. Exhaust fans are generally installed in a bathroom, which is great, but they can and should be used in other areas of the home like laundry rooms. With all the exhaust going out, you also need a solution for the air coming in the home. As we discussed earlier, the outdoor air might not be any better than the air going out. Having a fresh are solution that can also filter the air – removing the PM2.5 is critical.


